Jeans That Charge Your Smartphone

Joe’s Jeans comes out with a new denim line that lets you discretely charge your smartphone.

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It’s a safe deduction to make that smartphone owners know the dreaded feeling of their gadget running out of battery life with no charger or portable charging device within reach. People prone to having their phones running out of juice may have a new solution in the form of ‘chargeable’ technology: their denims.  Joe’s Jeans has created a new denim line called #Hello with four styles of jeans that charges the iPhone 5, 5S or 6. A secret back pocket is specially designed to fit the three iPhone models, while a waistband is equipped with a discrete portable battery pack and USB cord.

The price for convenience is no small amount of change — the jeans will set you back $189 and the charger is an addition $49. What’s more, the battery pack is limited in its charging ability since it reportedly charges the iPhone 5 and 5S up to 85% and the iPhone 6 up to 70%.  –  It comes as no surprise that there are several limitations to these denims, as the consumer would have to remember to remove the battery pack before throwing them into the wash and the jeans exclude the iPhone 6 Plus and android devices. And then there’s the comfort component — until a prototype is tested, it is hard to assess how it feels to have your phone slipped into a hidden back pocket.

See on Scoop.itWearable Tech and the Internet of Things (Iot)

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